Fiction Writing Made Easy

#12: 3 Ways to Create Narrative Drive in Your Story

Episode 12

In today's episode, I'm exploring narrative drive or that "thing" that hooks a reader's interest and pulls them through the story. Here's a preview of what's included:

[01:25] What is narrative drive? Here's a quick definition.
[01:35] According to Robert McKee, narrative drive is sustained when a story plays on two primary needs within the reader -- an intellectual need (curiosity) and an emotional need (concern).
[01:50] Curiosity is the intellectual need to find answers to questions.
[02:20] Concern is the emotional need to experience positive outcomes.
[04:00] A quick overview of the 3 methods for evoking curiosity and/or concern in readers.
[04:50] Method #1: Mystery evokes mostly curiosity because the reader has LESS information than the characters.
[06:00] Method #2: Dramatic Irony evokes mostly concern because the reader has MORE information than the characters.
[06:40] Method #3: Suspense evokes both curiosity and concern because the reader has THE SAME information as the characters.
[07:25] How does this help you write a story?
[9:15] Key points and a quick recap of the episode.

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Click here to learn more about my book, The Story Grid Masterwork Analysis Guide to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, and claim your gifts with purchase!

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